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What is Community Water Fluoridation?

Fluoride exists in water naturally. There is exhaustive professional and scientific consensus by both researchers and doctors that fluoridating community water is extremely important in preventing cavities and is completely safe.
Learn more about fluoridation

About Fluoridation and the AFS

Fluoride exists in water naturally. The public health initiative of water fluoridation is simply the adjustment of that fluoride to the level at which maximum dental decay benefit will be obtained with no adverse effects.

Here you will find evidence based information on fluoride and all aspects of water fluoridation including: water fluoridation and infant formula, support for water fluoridation, cost and cost effectiveness of water fluoridation, water fluoridation and the environment, the dental benefits of water fluoridation, the effects on general health, dental health, health inequalities, and dental fluorosis.

About Us

For further information on the aims of the society and our main activities, please visit the About Us section.

Common Myths Debunked

There are many myths about fluoridation in water. We debunk them all!


Educate yourself about the benefits of water fluoridation – watch videos, learn about the chemistry, and more!

Quick Stats

saved in dental treatment costs per person per year in communities with fluoridated water


Over 209 million people on community water systems receive the benefit of fluoridated water

million people do not have access to fluoridated water in their communities

Source: CDC Community Water Flurodiation 2022 Water Fluoridation Statistics, accessed 12-1-2024

Recent News

May 4, 2017

AFS President Dr. Johnny Johnson presents fluoridation information at Meadville, PA community educational session

Presenting views of fluoridation opponents was Paul Connett, founder of the New York antifluoridation faction, “FAN”.

November 22, 2024

AFS President Dr. Johnny Johnson Interviewed on CNN 

Robert F Kennedy Jr released a statement that on January 20th, the Trump White House will advise all US water systems to remove fluoride from public water. Dr Johnson responds in a CNN news clip.  

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